Monday 22 November 2021

November Training Day in Spanish Place


Fifteen boys and young men attended our training session last Saturday, and we were a bit short-staffed having only four instructors! Fr Gabriel Diaz very kindly joined up to enroll five new members of the Society, which I believe brings the total membership to 92.

We have ordered, and received, a second batch of 100 Society of St Tarcisius medals, so we are ready for what 2022 may bring!

Saturday 25 September 2021

September Training Day in St James' Spanish Place


Another successful day training about a dozen servers with four instructors: a good number. St James' Spanish Place is ideal for us because of its many side altars. 

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Enrollments on the Walsingham Pilgrimage


 As happened at the last LMS Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham in 2019, some of the servers among the pilgrims were enrolled in the Society of St Tarcisius during the pilgrimage itself. The ceremony took place in less than ideal circumstances, after sunset, but we managed!

Among the four enrolled was Charles Bradshaw, the Master of Ceremonies of the Pilgrimage, as a Grand MC.


Tuesday 23 March 2021

Server training returns in 2021!

Server training in St James' Spanish Place, March 2020

I am delighted to announce after a year of enforced inactivity that we will be returning to running our Server Training Days in London.

24th July: St Mary Moorfields, London

(booking page) (info about the venue)

25th September: St James' Spanish Place, London 

(booking page) (info about the venue)

20th November: St James' Spanish Place, London 

(booking page(info about the venue)

These days start at 10:30 am and finish at about 3:30pm.

As usual, there will be a Guild of St Clare Vestment Mending Day running alongside these events: see here for more details.

Enrollment of new members at St Mary Moorfields in 2019