The relaunch of the Society of St Tarcisius is rather dependent on our having physical medals: members can't be enrolled in the ranks of the Society without them. I am delighted to say, therefore, that the manufacturers, JC Trophies, have exceeded expectations in the speed of the process, and the medals are in the LMS Office in plenty of time for distribution at the first of our training days, which is 16th Feburary.
The design on the medals is taken from the central motif of the Latin Mass Society's black High Mass set of vestments: IHS, incorporating a cross, surrounded by a crown of thorns and a quartrfoil. (More on it
Email us at
tarcisius@lms.org.uk to book your place to be trained and/or enrolled.
Training days start at 10:30 am and should end by 4pm.
February: Saturday 16th at St Mary Moorfields
March: Saturday 9th at St Mary Moorfields
May: Saturday 11th at Our Lady of the Assumption