There are several books, and a DVD, to help Altar Serves, available from the Latin Mass Society's online shop: they have their own page here.
We have recorded servers' responses to help with the pronunciation of the Latin. For convenience these are on YouTube with the Latin text superimposed.
1. Preparatory Prayers
2. Kyrie
3. Collect
4, Epistle
5. Gospel
6. Suscipiat
7. After the Secret
8. Pater Noster
9. Pax Domini
10. Post Communion
11. Blessing of a Bishop
12. Last Gospel
The Collect, Epistle, and Gospel used are taken from the Votive Mass of Our Lady used 'per annum.'
In these videos the texts are said as slowly and distinctively as possible, to assist servers and others unsure of the principles of Ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation. In Mass these texts should be said in a more flowing way.
We would like to thank Fr John Saward, Priest in Charge of SS Gregory & Augustine's for his assistance with these. The responses were made by Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society.
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