Saturday, 12 June 2010

Short form of thanksgiving after mass and communion

For altar servers to use after mass and communion.
1. Almighty God, I thank Thee for the privilege of having served about Thy altar, and for all the graces and blessings I have received in this Holy Mass. I thank Thee for the inestimable gift of receiving Thy most sacred Body and Blood in Holy Communion, bringing refreshment, joy, preservation, and sweetness of heart.
Glory be ...

2. Almighty God, I acknowledge and repent of those faults and negligences that I have committed during this mass, through sin or human weakness; for lack of custody of the mind, the eyes, the hands; for lack of attentiveness; for lack of preparation; for slowness in service. I resolve by Thy grace to amend my life.
Glory be ...

3. Almighty God, I dedicate the rest of this day, and the rest of my life, to Thy service. I resolve to live my life in the spirit of the Mass, uniting myself to Thy Sacred Heart, and being faithful to Thee even unto death. May I always be swift to serve Thee, in matters small and great, always corresponding with Thy graces each moment, and persevering to the end.
Glory be ...

We fly to Thy protection, O holy mother of God. Despise not my prayers in my necessities, but save me from all danger, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin.


  1. hrm... I have an idea, David:

    editing a lot of the material on this blog into a little booklet thing and distributing via lulu. If other people are like me, then they would find a printed version easier.

  2. Thank you Mark.

    I'm planning a little booklet thing, which might be sent free to new members - depending on length and cost.

    The truth is, though, that this blog is a good way of developing the material, which is being written as we go along ... when I've got some more, and am happy with it, that's the time to publish.

    By the way, does anyone know an expert in liturgical Latin? I've put the sodality prayer into Latin, but could do with someone to check it for grammar and style. Any offers?


  3. You might ask Rubricarius to check it if it doesn't play too much on his conscience!
