Friday, 20 May 2011

SST/LMS Training Day at Leicester in August

The Latin Mass Society will be holding its next training programme, in association with the Society of St Tarcisius, a one-day event, on Tuesday, 23 August, at Holy Cross Priory, 45 Wellington Street, Leicester LE1 6HW.

This will be for priests and servers wishing to study the rubrics of the Mass in its Solemn Form and who are already familiar with Low Mass.

The day will start at 9.30am and finish around 5.00pm. The fee for attending will be £5.00. For further details, contact the LMS office on 020 7404 7284, email To register for the training event, please download and complete the application form, returning it to the address specified.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Arthur Crumley, RIP

This website has previously drawn the attention of its readers to the writings of Mr Arthur Crumley, previously leading Master of Ceremonies of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales. Mr Crumley was a firm defender of the traditional liturgy, and upholder of high standards of service at the altar.

The news has been received that Mr Crumley died earlier this weekend. He had, apparently, been suffering form the effects of a minor stroke last year.

Reader, please pray for his soul.

In memoria aeterna erit justus. Ab auditione mala non timebit.