Thursday, 14 December 2023

Training Dates for 2024

Enrolments at the November Training Day

We are pleased to announce new server training dates.

These will take place at St Mary Moorfields: more about the venue here.

There is no charge. Please book, and please be on time: both of these really help us in organising the training on the day.

Saturday 3rd February (booking page)

Saturday 20th April (booking page)

Saturday 8th June (booking page

Doors open at 10am for a start at 10:30am. The day concludes with the ceremony of enrolment for new members, if there are any, at 3:30pm; we depart at 4pm. We have a break for lunch.

The Guild of St Clare's Vestment Mending Days take place in the basement of St Mary Moorfields at the same time as the training in the church. Adults accompanying children to the training are welcome to meet the Guild and join their activities: there are things for people of all levels of sewing experience to do. If you are interested, email the Guild at

The Guild of St Clare hard at work in the basement, while the server-training
continues upstairs.

Monday, 20 November 2023

November training day


We welcomed 19 trainees and five instructors to St Mary Moorfields, and enrolled eight of them into the Society. To make space for this we set up three makeshift altars, in addition to the two real ones there are in this church. 


We were joined by a visiting Polish priest, Fr Orpheus, who did the enrollments.


The Guild of St Clare's parallel event was also very well attended, and was able to do some repairs for the parish priest, Fr Christopher Vipers, to begin the repair of the impressive 1939 banner belonging to the Catholic Police Guild, and continue many ongoing projects.


Sunday, 17 September 2023

September Training Day


Following the record number of trainee servers we had in June--24--we had a good number last Saturday, of 14 plus four instructors. They came from as far as St Bede's, Clapham Park, Chislehurst, and... Poland. It is interesting to note that while a number of people come for training in Low Mass, many also come for instruction in the different roles of Sung Mass, from places where there is Sung Mass every Sunday. This time we also had a group wanting to go through Benediction.


Four of the trainees were enrolled into the Society.


The Guild of St Clare also had lots of volunteers to help mend vestments, and had a very productive day.

The next Server Training / Vestment mending day will be on Saturday 18th November (booking page).

Doors open at 10 for a start at 10:30; we finish around 3:30pm. More about the venue here.

Saturday, 8 July 2023

Autumn Server-Training Dates


There will be Server Training days this autumn, at St Mary Moorfields, on the following dates:

September 16th (booking page)

November 18th (booking page)

Doors open at 10 for a start at 10:30; we finish around 3:30pm.

More about the venue here.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Medals seen in the wild: in Switzerland!

Two members of the Society of St Tarcisius served a First Mass of a newly ordained priest of the Fraternity of St Peter, Fr Andreas Brem, in Switzerland. The young men are in fact the priest's nephews.

The ordination had taken place at the Abbey of Ottobeuren, with nine other FSSP seminarians.

Saturday, 17 June 2023

June server training and enrollments

Today we had the largest number of trainees we have ever had, at 22. I was actually too busy to take

photos, though I did get one of the enrollment, of three new members, including a father and son. The son became a Junior MC, while the father was enrolled as a Junior Acolyte.

The training took place in St Mary Moorfields, and the enrollments were done by the parish priest Fr Christopher Vipers.

We will announce new dates for training days as soon as possible.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Mass to be celebrated for the Society of St Tarcisius


 The feast-day of St Tarcisius coincides with the Assumption, 14th August.

This year, the Vigil of the Assumption falls on a Monday, and the regular Monday evening Sung Mass (organised by the Latin Mass Society) on that day will be celebrated for the intentions of the Society.

Mass on 14th August, Vigil of the Assumption, Corpus Christi Maiden Lane, 6:30pm.

(Photos: Masses at Corpus Christi.)


Saturday, 25 February 2023

February Server Training and Enrollments


Thanks very much to our instructors and to Fr Michael Cullinan who enrolled the four new members. Two others were promoted.


The previous weekend nine enrolments and three promotions had taken place at St Bede's, Clapham Park, done by Fr Marcus Holden the Parish Priest. Congratulations to all our new members!

Friday, 3 February 2023

Servers' Dialogue videos

The Latin Mass Society is pleased to present this set of short videos giving the texts with which those learning to serve the Traditional Mass need to familiarise themselves, setting the written text alongside an audio recording. 

The Collect, Epistle, and Gospel used are taken from the Votive Mass of Our Lady used 'per annum.' 

In these videos the texts are said as slowly and distinctively as possible, to assist servers and others unsure of the principles of Ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation. In Mass these texts should be said in a more flowing way. 

The texts are taken from parts of the Mass where the server has to make responses; there are separate videos for different parts of the Mass. Links to all the videos can be found under the Resources tab here.

We would like to thank Fr John Saward, Priest in Charge of SS Gregory & Augustine's for his assistance with these. The responses were made by Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society.


Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Server Training Dates for 2023

Enrollments into the Society of St Tarcisius in St Mary Moorfields, Nov 2022

We are delighted to announce three server training dates for 2023.

All these events are accompanied by vestment-mending days with the Guild of St Clare: see their website.

Saturday 18th February, in St Mary Moorfields, 10am for 10:30 (on the venue; booking page)

Saturday 22nd April in St Dominic’s Haverstock Hill, 10:30 for 11am (on the venue; booking page)

Saturday 17th June , in St Mary Moorfields, 10am for 10:30 (on the venue; booking page)

Please book online! There is no charge.